In the cosmos, it’s the heavier objects that wield more gravity, influencing those around them merely by their presence, not by force.

In the cosmos, it’s the heavier objects that wield more gravity, influencing those around them merely by their presence, not by force.

In much the same way, true influence in our professional lives doesn’t come from asserting dominance by pointing to formally being in charge for example.

It comes from having a substantial presence, one that naturally draws others into your orbit. By exerting force, you may find yourself metaphorically ‘spinning’—out of control and away from the very gravity you wish to embody.

You want to be a ‘heavier object’ in your professional universe, exerting a natural pull through your actions, expertise, and integrity, proving your gravitas not by how much noise you make or push others around, but by the substantial impact and stability you bring to those around you.

To the junior staff navigating these vast professional constellations, remember the value of orbiting seasoned stars. As a senior consultant, my trajectory is guided by years of navigating through the cosmic expanse of the development industry.

While enthusiasm and new perspectives are invaluable, they shine brightest when aligned with the wisdom and direction of those who have charted these spaces before.

Trying to lead without a map is an adventure for a junior, but following those who know the stars ensures we reach our destinations with purpose and insight. Remember to move forward together, with you allowing the gravitational pull of experience to guide your path, ensuring our collective journey is both enlightening and aimed towards the right galaxies.